
These Days

Oakland City, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.

October 17, 2019

If I were a lesser man I’d be in prison, 

I’ve seen eighteen years of war at home.

My home is a War on Terror.  

Come from either side, you want to see conflict come to dinner.  

Ethnic, battle of the sexes, modernity, religious we got it all.  

I could just smoke it all away but I can’t afford that, so I’ll photograph it and pass it on.  

Seething with fire, 🔥 I’ll burn down Babylon one day, I pray.  

Let the dry winds come,

If I could sing a song it would be to the fallen PTSD veteran rolling down the hood like Lieutenant Dan,

Apocalypse Now, alone in Oakland Cemetery now,

A ten mile stroll, the Phoenix on the sewer grate exiting,

Atlanta, Georgia, C.S.A., 1865 terminus.

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